Delaware Pinball Collective
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Lucky Sevens Lucky Sevens
Earned for having the most total sevens in your machine scores in a season.

Introduced 09/01/2011

Players With This Badge (14)

PlayerDate Earned
Dennis Quesenberry02/28/2023
Tony Lastowka11/03/2022
Bill Richardson07/28/2022
Steve Mercer07/27/2022
Jim Perugini07/26/2022
Piper Pratzner03/24/2022
Chris Radziewicz03/23/2022
Paul Pratzner03/22/2022
Mark Mezis03/22/2022
Cindy McCarthy11/23/2021
Joe Fortuna11/23/2021
Marianne Pangia08/31/2021
Connie Pratzner08/25/2021
Avery Bonner05/25/2021